People look to us for high quality prose and creative advice. At heart we are an editorial bureau supplying text and images, with a focus on European culture and travel.
We also provide consultancy services in the travel area. We have also worked on projects relating to cultural heritage, educational development and Europe’s minority languages.
In short, we are flexible. If a client wants bold and assertive prose, that’s what we provide. But if the situation demands something more nuanced, then we rise to the occasion and supply text that is balanced and evocative – words worth reading still matter in our world.
We write with authority and flair for a wide variety of clients – from providing highly focused SEO text for web use by a major British airline or a global travel company to packaging a 600 page book for a specialist Danish publisher. For many clients we source images (often from our own collection), secure rights and permissions and provide media leverage and use viral marketing techniques to ensure that a report is not just published on time but also receives the publicity it deserves. We are also the authors of Europe by Rail: The Definitive Guide for Independent Travellers, the latest edition of which was published in July 2016.
We are also known of course as publishers, and primarily for hidden europe magazine of which we have published fifty issues thus far – and more are in the pipeline. The magazine showcases excellent travel writing, featuring the offbeat, the eclectic and the everyday that make Europe so special.